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洋萝莉 2021 "Chinese Bridge" Online Camp

发布日期:2024-09-28 00:06    点击次数:141

洋萝莉 2021 "Chinese Bridge" Online Camp

2021 "Chinese Bridge" Online Camp


在中外话语换取互助中心任性复旧下,云南大学 “丝路汉语,云游中国” ——2021年 “汉语桥” 线上换取营行将开营!这里有专科资深教师训诲风趣汉语、耐性详尽的志愿者提供课后指令,还能云上体验中国文化。不管你是零基础的入门者或学习了多年汉语,唯有你对汉语和中国文化有浓厚有趣有趣,本次换取营齐不错让你学有所得。

Supported by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education,P.R.C, the 2021 "Chinese Bridge" Online Camp held by Yunnan University is now open for application. Students worldwide are warmly welcome to join the camp!  

Here you will meet professional senior Chinese teachers and enthusiastic young volunteers. Whether you are a beginner with zero Chinese foundation, or a high-level student with many years of Chinese learning experience, as long as you have a strong interest in learning Chinese and Chinese culture, you will gain a lot from this camp.

技俩时候: 2021年3月13日-3月22日

Camp Duration: March 13 to March 22, 2021

报名时候: 2021年2月20日-3月10日

Application Time: Feb 20 to March 10, 2021




I. Who can apply ?

   Non-Chinese,with a strong interest in learning Chinese and Chinese culture. The enrolment is limited on a first-come, first-served basis.


II. Curriculum Settings - what can I learn from the camp ?



(I)Chinese Course


  Online small group learning through interactive teaching methology. Live broadcast which students can play back the course video at any time if he or she miss the class. We will combine themed Chinese courses conducted in the form of situational topics with language workshops. Participants will learn Chinese phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, character,enjoy poems and practice via online communication with volunteers to comprehensively improve skill-set of listening, speaking, reading and writing.



(II) Culture Experience


   Online tour across China and communicate in the form of live streaming plus live Scene shot by professional teams with Chinese and English commentary. Participants can follow the instructor to explore China's national treasures, learn about fancy technologies, appreciate the music and traditional culture of Yunnan ethnic minorities, and explore Chinese martial arts.

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(III)  Chinese and foreign youth Online communication

  Volunteers from Yunnan University postgraduates will communicate with participants online to form language learning pairs and help with language practice.



III. Learning Platform-- How can I join the camp?


Chinese Plus online live-broadcasting platform:

Chinese Bridge website:


VI. How to register ? (Both Must Be Completed)

1. 请使用电脑,点击下列网址,即可完成注册。

1. Register with COMPUTER

Step 1: Select "English" in the top of right corner

Step 2: "Sign up for a new account"

Step 3: Fill in your email, create your username and set your passport. Click "Register and Login"

Step 4: Fill in your information

2. 登录云南大学报名联结(https://jinshuju.net/f/zwAYAJ)完成报名信息填写。

2.Fill the registration link from Yunnan University (https://jinshuju.net/f/zwAYAJ).


V. Application Documents


1. Personal information page of a valid passport;


2. Proof of Chinese proficiency (not necessary, only as a reference for participants' class grouping).


(The above information should be scanned and uploaded to the registration website)


VI. Rewards


   Participants who complete the online exchange camp with good performance will receive an exquisite certificate and a surprise learning package. You will also enjoy priority when applying for Yunnan University scholarships or offline exchanges programs.


VII. Contact  


Confucius Institute Affairs Office,  Yunnan University



Contact: Ms. Ma, Ms. Bi   

E-mail: ynukzxy@163.com 

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